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150 Years of Hoboken: Anniversary Journal. A Publication of The Hudson Reporter. March 28, 2005.
3-D eyeglasses for Avatar showing in 3-D at Hoboken (Clearview) Cinemas, Hoboken, Feb. 27, 2010.
Object/Artifact![50th Anniversary. 1931 - 1981. Suburban Electrification. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R.R.[Railroad.]](
50th Anniversary. 1931 - 1981. Suburban Electrification. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western R.R.[Railroad.]
8mm film: "Hoboken to Hollywood", Part I. Produced by Hal Roach and Max Sennett. Carnival Films, no date.
A 9/11 memorial item: a ca. 4 foot x 10" wide x 8" high piece of driftwood with written memorial sentiments, recovered in Hoboken, 2001.
Object/Artifact![A Lesson Plan on Baking Powder Biscuit & Its Relatives (Biscuits & Pastries). Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]](
A Lesson Plan on Baking Powder Biscuit & Its Relatives (Biscuits & Pastries). Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]
Archive![A Lesson Plan on Christmas Suggestions (Rev.). Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1930.]](
A Lesson Plan on Christmas Suggestions (Rev.). Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1930.]
Archive![A Lesson Plan on Christmas Suggestions. Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]](
A Lesson Plan on Christmas Suggestions. Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]
Archive![A Lesson Plan on Deep Fat Frying. Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]](
A Lesson Plan on Deep Fat Frying. Home Economics Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1929.]
Archive![A Lesson Plan on the Muffin Mixture & Its Variations. Domestic Science Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1925.]](
A Lesson Plan on the Muffin Mixture & Its Variations. Domestic Science Dept., R. B. Davis Co., [Hoboken, cpyrt 1925.]
A Nice Tavern: Remembering the Continental Hotel and the Union Club. Recollections of Paul Samperi.
A collection of 258 color digital images of signs and buildings with signs in Hoboken taken Sept. 2001 and January 2002 by John-Paul Picard.
A facsimile reproduction of "Guaranteed Certificate" from the United Decoration Company, 421 Washington St., Hoboken, no date, ca. 1920's.
A first class stateroom baggage tag from the Hamburg-American Line, circa 1900-1917.
A home-made photo album of the Caribbean Island operations of the Hunter Latin America Corporation, 20 Hudson Place, Hoboken, ca. 1976.
A wall mounted electrical testing panel from L. & G. Laikin, 526 Washington St., Hoboken.
ALS from Jerry P. Lombardi, on duty with U.S. Navy in Australia to his wife, Katharine Lombardi, 927 Garden St., Hoboken, N.J., Dec. 13, 1944.
ALS from Mrs. John D. Townsend of New York City to Mayor & Hoboken City Council, May 1904, re a requesting they consider enacting an ordinance for curfew of children.
ALS to City Clerk James Londrigan from Hoboken Aerie, No. 603, Fraternal Order of Eagles, March 20, 1905 re Semi-Centennial Parade.
ALS to Mayor & City Council from Major Christian Woerner Post, No. 81, G.A.R., Hoboken, Oct. 20, 1884 re request for meeting rooms.
ALS to Mayor Adolph Lankering, Hoboken, from Edward McC. Peters, Commander, Commanding U.S.S. Portsmouth, Hoboken, N.J., March 22, 1905
ALS to Peter Hagen (or Hager), Esquire, Washington, from Brigadier General Robert Swartout, Hoboken, May 8, 1817.
ALS, 2, by N.T. Cissue(?), U.S.S. Paysandu, to his sister; written & sent from Admiral Benson Service Club, 816 Washington St., Hoboken; Feb 17, 1919; March 5, 1919.
ALS: W.L.E. Keuffel, Supt., Keuffel & Esser Co., Hoboken to Board of Water Commissioners, Hoboken, Feb. 8, 1887
Archive![A[braham]. J. Demarest; City Suptintendent & Commission on Public Instruction, Hoboken?, ca. 1897.](
A[braham]. J. Demarest; City Suptintendent & Commission on Public Instruction, Hoboken?, ca. 1897.
Abney Level, Topographic, model 5713PD, made by Keuffel & Esser Co., (New York), n.d., ca. 1950-1960.
Abney Reflecting Level, model 5711, made by Keuffel & Esser Co., New York, n.d., ca. 1900-1920.
Account ledger book: Kostelecky Brothers Auto Repair, 218 Bloomfield St., Hoboken, 1947-1950.
Archive![Ad (World War II): Proudly Our Men and Women Wear Their Emblems of Honor [Military "E" Awards]. Keuffel & Esser Co., n.d., ca. 1943.](
Ad (World War II): Proudly Our Men and Women Wear Their Emblems of Honor [Military "E" Awards]. Keuffel & Esser Co., n.d., ca. 1943.
Ad featuring Hoboken Manufacturers Railroad locomotives as published in Railway Age, Dec. 26, 1931.
Ad for K&E Stabilene, Paragon Drafting Machine and Leroy lettering outfit; Civil Engineering, July 1953.
Ad for KE-6e Theodolite sold by Keuffel & Esser Co., N.Y. & Hoboken. The American City, Nov. 1960
Ad for the Zeiss Automatic Level made by Keuffel & Esser Co., N.Y.; Civil Engineering, May 1960.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: (Chimpanzee Mr. Muggs) Boys! Girls! Win a Free Summer In Camp! By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods, Hoboken, N.J.; in Life, March 29, 1954.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: All the flavor, freshness and tenderness of the... By Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Nov. 1925.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Everybody's Going Coconutty... About Baker's New Angel Flake. By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods, Hoboken, N.J.; in unknown magazine, April 1956.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Everybody's Going Coconutty... By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods, Hoboken, N.J.; in Parade, February 19, 1956.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Fresh Coconut Sealed with All... By Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Jan. 1926.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: How a bad debt created good jobs. By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods (Hoboken, N.J.); in SEP, Sept. 1, 1945.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: I never saw a pink elephant until Baker's Coconut. By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods, White Plains, N.Y.; in unknown magazine, ca. 1962.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: I never saw what Teddy Bears were made of... By Franklin Baker Div., General Foods, White Plains, N.Y.; in unknown magazine, ca. 1961.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Leading cookery editors suggest new things... By Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Oct. 1926.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Men's Vote Stirs Wives! Husbands' Demand...By Franklin Baker Co, Inc., General Foods, Hoboken, N.J.; in McCall's, October 1930.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Sun-Rich Tender Coconut Straight from the tropics.... By Franklin Baker Co, Inc., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Dec. 1929.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: This New Moist Coconut in Tins... By Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Jan. 1925.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Trail Your Husband to a Restaurant; You'll Find... By Franklin Baker Co, Inc., General Foods, Hoboken, N.J.; in The Farmer's Wife, June 1930.
Ad, Baker's Coconut: Why the Coconut Cakes and Pies of a smart N.Y.... By Franklin Baker Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Jan. 1927.
Ad, Bethlehem Steel: "The Independence Goes to Sea. New American Export Liner..." Finance Week, March 16, 1951.
Ad, Cocomalt, Sunday comics: Boys - Girls Get These Swell Prizes... Cocomalt! Unknown newspaper, July 17, 1938.
Ad, Cocomalt: "Like magic...the way may little girl filled out... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, March 1934.
Ad, Cocomalt: "Look, daddy, I gained 6 pounds while you were away!" By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Women's Home Companion, Apr.1931
Ad, Cocomalt: "Quack" claims won't build your child's weight. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Child Life, Aug. 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: "Quack" claims won't build your child's weight. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, Aug. 1932
Ad, Cocomalt: "Six weeks ago Joan was "skin and bones" By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in LHJ, May 1931.
Ad, Cocomalt: "You'd never believe it was the same child... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, July 1934.
Ad, Cocomalt: ...when she grows up, will your little girl have lovely legs? By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in unkown magazine, copyright Davis 1947.
Ad, Cocomalt: 3 to 12 years - Watch these years when your children's... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, Dec. 1930.
Archive![Ad, Cocomalt: A Child...and yet a Woman. By Davis Baking Powder Co. [R.B. Davis], Hoboken; in LHJ, May 1928.](
Ad, Cocomalt: A Child...and yet a Woman. By Davis Baking Powder Co. [R.B. Davis], Hoboken; in LHJ, May 1928.
Ad, Cocomalt: A baseball player needs plenty of strength and pep... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Boy?, n.d., ca. 1931-1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: A good coat of a promise... By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in LHJ, Aug. 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Bobby gained 8 pounds in 2 months. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, Apr, 1931.
Ad, Cocomalt: Capture the sunlight vitamin for your children... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, March 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Chicago school children average 10-lb. gain. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Magazine, July 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: Cocomalt accepted by the American Medical Association. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, July 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: Dan was a "washout" when it came to athetics. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Boy, Feb. 1933
Ad, Cocomalt: December days ... is your child getting the sunlight ... By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Sat. Evening Post, Dec. 31, 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Do your chores Cheerfully...let this revitalizing drink help you! By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Better Homes & Gardens, Feb. 1939
Ad, Cocomalt: Do your chores Cheerfully...let this revitalizing drink help you! By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Home, Feb. 1939
Ad, Cocomalt: Famous basketball coach tells you how to build... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Boy, Apr. 1933.
Ad, Cocomalt: Food-drink gives new energy to thousands. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Pictorial Review, Aug. 1933.
Ad, Cocomalt: For Thrills, Adventure, Valuable Gifts; Tune in on "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century." 1834. Radio sponsor Cocomalt made by R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken.
Ad, Cocomalt: Helen disliked the very sight of milk. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Magazine, Nov. 1931
Ad, Cocomalt: How Ted gained Seven Pounds in two months... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in SEP, Nov. 12, 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: How we added 9 pounds to Dorothy's weight... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Women's Home Companion, June 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: If your child "gets on your nerves"... get on to Cocomalt. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in SEP, July 8, 1936.
Ad, Cocomalt: It's the fact that Vitamin D is now contained in a delicious Natural Food... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Woman's Home Companion, April, 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Jerry's dislike of milk was keeping him thin. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Child Life, Feb. 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: New energy .. for these "low vitality" days. By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, March 1930.
Archive![Ad, Cocomalt: No mother will neglect this one obligation. By Davis Baking Powder Co. [R.B. Davis], Hoboken; in LHJ, Apr.1928.](
Ad, Cocomalt: No mother will neglect this one obligation. By Davis Baking Powder Co. [R.B. Davis], Hoboken; in LHJ, Apr.1928.
Ad, Cocomalt: Not even your child can have a straight, sturdy body... By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in LHJ, Jan. 1930.
Ad, Cocomalt: Not even your child can have a straight, sturdy body... By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in LHJ, Nov. 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Of course, you're taking the children to the beach this summer!. By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, July 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: See How Thousands of Thin Underweight Children Gain Weight ...Food-Drink. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in True Story, May 1936
Ad, Cocomalt: See how Bobby's husky he's become. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in unknown magazine, ca. 1933-1935.
Ad, Cocomalt: They start back to school so sturdily... Full-page magazine ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in LHJ, Sept.1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: They used to laugh at "Skinny" Baker until... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Boy, Feb. 1932.
Ad, Cocomalt: This precious bone-building Vitamin D ... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in unknown magazine, probably June 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: This precious bone-building Vitamin D... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Good Housekeeping, June 1929.
Ad, Cocomalt: Thousands of athletes gain extra strength and endurance... By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in The American Boy, ca. 1933-1935.
Ad, Cocomalt: Three years or thirty .. you have to mother them all. By R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in LHJ, Aug. 1928.
Ad, Cocomalt: When children are Quarrelsome ... Cocomalt may help! By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in American Home, Aug.1939.
Ad, Cocomalt: Whose fault when children are frail? By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Women's Home Companion, June 1931
Ad, Cocomalt; Cut-Rite: I Give Up! Those Children Wear Me Out. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in True Story, Aug. 1936
Ad, Davis Baking Powder: For 53 Years Always Dependable. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, Nov. 1932.
Ad, Davis Baking Powder: Only Full Strength baking powder is Sure-Raising.. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, Dec. 1932.
Ad, Davis Baking: Baking Powder by Preference to His Highness, the Son. (cookie cutters) By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; Women's Home Companion, Apr. 1927
Ad, Davis Baking: Baking Powder by Preference to His Majesty, the American Husband. (cookie cutters) By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Pictorial Review, March 1927.
Ad, Erie Railroad: "We've Changed Stations"; re changing trains to Erie-Lackawanna Terminal, Hoboken; published in Trains, Dec. 1956.
Ad, Hostess Cup Cakes: Hostess Cream Filled Cup Cakes. By Continental Baking Co.; in Life, June 11, 1956.
Ad, Instant Maxwell House: For People Who LIke Good Things... (Tashlin gold prospector artwork.) By General Foods; Life, Apr. 19, 1948.
Ad, Lipton Tea, 6: celebrity endorsement ads for Lipton Tea; clipped various magazines, 1944 + 1945.
Ad, Log Cabin Syrup: "Oh Boy! Log Cabin Syrup! Um!!!" Log Cabin Products Co., St. Paul, MN; in LHJ, Nov. 1919.
Ad, Log Cabin Syrup: If It's that Melting Maple Tang you seek in a pancake syrup... By Log Cabin Products Co., St. Paul, MN; in LHJ, Apr. 1928.
Ad, Log Cabin Syrup: In this Log double maple flavor. By Log Cabin Products Co., Hoboken, N.J.; in LHJ, Jan. 1930.
Ad, Log Cabin Syrup: Such Fun! So Easy! Make your own Summer Treats... By Log Cabin Products Co.; General Foods Corp.; in SEP, July 25, 1953.
Ad, Log Cabin Syrup: magazine ads, 6, by Log Cabin Products Co.; General Foods Corp., 1929-early 1950s.
Ad, Magazine : Give 'em Cocomalt.; (also Swel). (R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken, N.J.) In: Woman's Day, Sept.1952.
Ad, My-T-Fine: ...Makes Your Puddings. My-T-Fine Makes Your Best Desserts. (Penick & Ford, Inc.), N.Y.?; in LHJ, Sept. 1957.
Ad, My-T-Fine: Finest Dessert You Ever Tasted ... My-T-Fine (Penick & Ford, Inc.), N.Y.?; in Women's Day, n.d., ca. 1950s
Ad, Oreos: Nabisco Makes Better Cookies! "Wish I had a million Oreos!" By National Biscuit Co.; in unknown magazine, 1952.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Toosie and the Log Jam Rescue. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1949-1950.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Toosie and the Radar Rescue. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1949-1950.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie "Skating on Thin Ice." (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1949-1950.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie & the Secret-Play Touchdown. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); Funny Stuff #27, Nov. 1944.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Bags Mountain Lion. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1947-1952.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Saves the Sailplane. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1947-1952.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Saves the School Party. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1941-1947.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Traps Jewel Thieves. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); 1951.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Traps Killer Bear with Invisible Light. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1947-1952.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie Wants You to Try All Tootsie Products. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1948.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie and His Friends See "Johnny Holiday." (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1949-1950.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie and his Vacation-Time Pals. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); 1951.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie and the Great Jewel Robbery. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1944.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie at the Snow Carnival. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1948-1950.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie to the Rescue. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1948.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Captain Tootsie to the Rescue. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1951-1955.
Ad, Tootsie Roll: Pete the Flash Scores for Captain Tootsie. (Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken); ca. 1947-1952.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls, 2: "Captain Tootsie" comics published in Sunday comics section, April 3, 1950; June 18, 1950.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: "Captain Tootsie Makes Rollo Strike-Out Artist." Washington Star, Comics section, Sunday, May 14,1950.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: ...Tootsie Rolls & TV; the modern child's idea of pure joy! The Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken; in Family Circle, Apr. 1954.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: America's Favorite Candy. The Sweets Company of America, Hoboken; in Life, Dec. 28, 1953.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: Captain Tootsie and "The Babe Ruth Story." The American Girl, Sept. 1948.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: Ring around a Tootsie Roll...with Santa Claus... The Sweets Co. of America, Hoboken; in Martin & Lewis, No. 10, DC Comics, Jan. 1954.
Ad, Tootsie Rolls: Sight Sales... America's Favorite Candy. The Sweets Company of America, Hoboken; in unknown trade publication, 1955.
Ad, magazine (Sinatra): More Amateurs Are Awaiting Their Chance. Chase & Sanborn Dated Coffee; Major Bowes Amateur Hour radio show. McCall's, Aug. 1936.
Ad, magazine (featuring U.S. Testing Co., Hoboken): Harrowing Ordeal in Hoboken. Rugged Royal Portable withstands “96-Year Test". Published 1954.
Ad, magazine, Sinatra film "Take Me Out To The Ball Game." In Life magazine, circa April 1949.
Ad, magazine, Sinatra: Frank Sinatra: The Capitol Years, 1953-1962. In: Pulse (magazine), Nov. 1990.
Ad, magazine, for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles featuring Hoboken Officer James Cassier, Oct., 1936.
Ad, magazine, for Harley-Davidson Motorcycles featuring Hoboken Officer James Cassier, Oct., 1936.
Ad, magazine: "Bijur Starting & Lighting Systems." Bijur Motor Appliance Co., Hoboken, N.J.; Motor World, Sept. 3, 1919.
Ad, magazine: "Bijur System." Bijur Motor Appliance Co., 15th & Garden Sts., Hoboken, N.J., Apr. 17, 1919.
Ad, magazine: 11,200 Ships of All Sizes and Types Built, Converted Repaired! ... that's the score to date in 10 Todd Shipyards! Fortune, Apr. 1944.
Ad, magazine: Bethlehem Steel about tunnel lining segments made for Lincoln Tunnel 3rd tube; Business Week, Apr. 29, 1957.
Ad, magazine: Bethlehem Steel preview of Lincoln Tunnel third tube; unknown publ., Feb. 1954.
Ad, magazine: Cut-Rite Waxed Paper; R.B.Davis Sales Co., Hoboken. Saturday Evening Post, July 16th, 1938.
Ad, magazine: Eclipse Starter Products. (Sat. Eve. Post, Oct. 3 1925) (Company with listed Hoboken location.)
Ad, magazine: Hamburg-America Line. Direct Service of German Mail and Fast Steamships. 1904 or 1905.
Ad, magazine: Hoboken Manufacturers' Terminal Building (Lipton Tea), by Turner Construction Co.; in Architectural Forum, 1919.
Ad, magazine: Let Union build the Road! Union Iron Works, Lackawanna Siding, Hoboken; in Engineering News-Record, Jan. 1, 1925.
Ad, magazine: Make this seeing test - if you, too, want maximum returns from your lighting. Cooper Hewitt Electric Co., Hoboken. In: Sat. Evening Post, Oct. 24, 1925.
Ad, magazine: Meet Danny Wilson. Starring: Frank Sinatra, Shelley Winters, Alex Nicol. Universal-International, 1952.
Ad, magazine: New! Lipton Green Pea Soup. (Thomas J. Lipton, Inc. Hoboken, N.J.) Good Housekeeping Magazine, Apr. 1956.
Ad, magazine: Now the Leviathan, America's greatest & smartest ship, goes to Bremen via Plymouth & Cherbourg. U.S. Lines. In: Nat. Geographic, 1932.
Ad, magazine: R.C.A. "Radio Tube" Unique New York World's Fair Building; Venus Pencils, American Pencil Co., Hoboken, N.J. Oct. 13, 1938.
Ad, magazine: The Edison Tower, Tribute to a Great Genius; Venus Pencils, American Pencil Co., Hoboken, N.J. Sept. 1, 1938.
Ad, magazine: This floating dormitory houses 175 Stevens Tech students. Ad by Bethlehem Steel Corp. No date, (1968).
Ad, magazine: Tootsie Fudge'n Frosting Mix as published in Women's Day magazine, Nov. 1, 1948.