Collections Item Detail
Tru-Point Pencil Lead Pointer Model D, made by Keuffel & Esser Co., N.Y. & Hoboken, n.d., ca.1956-1966.
Tru-Point Pencil Lead Pointer Model D, No. 58 0510, made or sold by Keuffel & Esser Co., New York & Hoboken, no date, circa 1956-1966. Cast and machined metal, 3-1/4" diameter x 2-3/4" high, dark green Hammertone finish; rubber base on bottom perimeter. Two each with original cartons. Container is the only significant difference between the items, but see note below about printed enclosures.
The aluminum cap nut is stamped "Keuffel & Esser Co." Product number does not appear on product. Foundry mold number on bottom.
The carton is a two-piece cardboard box; lid covered with printed paper which is the same on both except as described below.
Example No. 1:The box for this pointer has the product stock number on the front panel with the name "Tru-Point Pencil Lead Pointer" ; there is an added printed label on left side: "New Model D | "Quick Change" Abrasive Cup."
Example No. 2: The box for this one has the stock number on the front panel in the same position with with the name below changed to "Tru-Point Model D Pencil Lead Pointer" and below that, "with "Quick Change" Abrasive Cups." There is no longer a separate label on the side panel.
Example No. 2 had two printed enclosures regarding the product, a 4 pp. instruction sheet and general product promotional leaf. Both were heavily soiled with graphite as they sat under the object in the box. They are separately catalogued as archives 2009.006.0259.01 and are useful in that they give some history of the product and list the many branch offices of the era on one of them which may be helpful is establishing the early date for this one. Also noteworthy is the listing of "Optical Metrology" which actually became a division named "Optics & Metrology."
Example No. 1 obviously was issued before No. 2 which has little or no signficance other than to differentiate between the two boxes here. The enclosures with No. 2 are probably most useful.
K&E had their main office and factories in Hoboken up to December 1968.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1956 - 1966
Date: 1956-1966
Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2009-10-29