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Two letters from Pierce Livingston, Fort Bliss, Texas, to his sister, Mrs. C. Deile (nee Tillie Livingston), 653 First St., Hoboken, Nov. & Dec. 1917.
Two letters from Pierce Livingston, Fort Bliss, Texas, to Mrs. Charles]. Deile (nee Tillie Livingston), 653 First St., Hoboken, Nov. & Dec. 1917.
Livingston was in Company G, 34th U.S. Infantry, U.S. Army as noted in letter 1 and the return address on letter 2 envelope. His rank was not given, but was probably then a private. Both letters are to "Sister Tillie" and signed "Brother Pierce."
Letter 1, November 10, 1917, four pages, mostly discusses family matters, acknowledging items sent, photos he had taken, weather and clothing, a couple friends. "I received the [illegible] you sent me and have still got it, will try and keep it so when I look at will think of you and Old Hoboken." Also regards to Charlie who is likely to be Tillie's husband, a C. Diele.
Letter 2, December 25, 1917, four pages, similar family content to first letter with Christmas thoughts and New Years wishes, but with a little more discussion of army life mostly related to guard duty.
Museum Purchase.
1917 - 1917
Date(s) Created: 1917 Date(s): 1917
Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2007-06-30