Collections Item Detail
Hoboken Ter-Centenary, October 4th to 12th, 1930. 1630-1930. Official Program.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1930 - 1930
Date(s) Created: 1930 Date(s): 1930-1930
Notes: Archives 2008.012.0002 [front cover] Hoboken Ter-Centenary, October 4th to 12th, 1930. 1630-1930. Official Program. ==== [inside front cover] Greeting The year Nineteen Hundred and Thirty marks the three hundredth milestone in the history of Hoboken. It is also the seventy-fifth anniversary of the incorporation of the City of Hoboken, and it is fitting, therefore, that the people of the city distinguish the occasion with due celebrations. For several months past a committee of citizens has been giving their time and labor to preparing for the celebration of this tercentenary and a most comprehensive program of events has been prepared in which it is hoped that all the citizens will join. We are proud of our city and jealous of its reputation. Its fame as an industrial center has been wafted on the breeze tothe far corners of the habitable globe, and ships from every part of the world have entered our portals. Hoboken's fame has blazed a bright trail in the world of sports, invention, education, commerce and industry, and its future is no less bright than its glorious traditions of the past. We are looking forward to an era of further progress and development so that Hoboken will take its place in the vanguard of the modern cities of the world. While celebrating during the coming ten days the historical epochs in the City of Hoboken, let us stop awhile to think of Hoboken of the future. Nature has given to us a location unsurpassed in any other section of the East. Let us take advantage of nature's dower and make of Hoboken the most envied mile square in the land. [signed in facsimile] B.N. McFeely ==== [page 3] Hoboken's Ter-Centenary In drawing back the curtain to catch a fleeting glimpse of some of the glories of the past, the Hoboken Tercentenary Committee, charged with the duty of planning the celebration, has also given thought to pointing out some of the advantages of modern Hoboken — an important unit in the mighty array of cities which has made the United States the greatest industrial nation on earth. When Michael Pauw first purchased Hobocan Hackinch from the Indians, he little realized that it would develop into the dynamic industrial community and center of commerce that Hoboken is today. Incorporated as a city seventy-five years ago, when it was little more than a straggling village of a few thousand inhabitants, today Hoboken has more diversified industries, more trunk line railroad connections, bigger and better docks, more schools and educational institutions, more churches and social centers, more parks and playgrounds and more inhabitants within its confines than any other city of its size in the world. To epitomize the tercentenary the Committee has planned a ten days' celebration. Much of Hoboken's early history has been lost in the limbo of forgotten things, but those outstanding events chronicled by the historians of the day and dragged out of the musty archives will be depicted for the benefit of the present generation during the celebration. The chairmen and members of the various committees who have been working on the plans during the summer months have given unsparingly of their time and energy to make the celebration a success. With the full cooperation of Mayor McFeely and the Board of Commissioners, the devoted interest and loyal work of the Women's Division and the unbounded enthusiasm which has attended the efforts of the entire Committee, it has been a proud privilege and honor to give my humble services as chairman of the celebration. [signed in facsimile] Max Z. Hurwitz ==== [page 4] PROGRAM SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4TH Civic Day—Official opening of celebration, flag raising and other appropriate ceremonies at City Hall, at 10.00 A.M., by Mayor McFeely, City Commissioners and Chairman Max Z. Hurwitz. Speaker, Vice-Chancellor John J. Fallon. 11.00 A.M.—Opening of special exhibits of prints and pictures of old Hoboken, in the Museum of Stevens Institute of Technology. Exhibits include the replica of the John Stevens Locomotive of 1827, (through the courtesy of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company), collection of early automobiles and other historically important mechanical exhibits. The museum will be open from 11:00 a. m. to 6 p. m. Speakers, Mrs. Caroline Wittpenn and Dr. Harvey Davis. 12.00 Noon—Formal opening of exhibit of antiques, curios, etc., at Public Library. To be open daily during celebration between hours of 10.00 A.M. and 8.30 P.M., under the direction of Mrs. Nina Hatfield. 2.00 P.M.—Civic Parade—U. S. Army, National Guard, State Naval Militia, Hoboken Naval Reserve, City Officials, police, firemen, other city employees, nurses, fraternal oragniza-tions, service clubs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, political clubs, veterans organizations, postal employees, Western Union messengers and business, professional and mercantile organizations, and Women's Association. Major Henry V. Broeser, Grand Marshal. Evening—Reception by different fraternal organizations at their respective clubhouses to visiting delegations taking part in the parade. 8.00 P.M.—Boy Scout demonstration, Hudson Square Park. C. C. Watson Scout Executive. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5TH Religious Day—Special Church services in morning with invitations for former members, now resident out of city to attend. Former pastors to preach sermons. Special musical programs. 3.00 P.M.—United Singing Societies of Hudson County under the supervision of Professor Richard Vossley, on Stevens Athletic Field, police band to play concert music between numbers. 5.00 P.M.—Guard Mount and Drill by Second Battalion, 104th Engineers, New Jersey National Guard, commanded by Major Wm. A. Le Beau. Consisting of Company E, Capt. J. T. Miesegaes, commanding. Company A, Lieut. E. C. Becker, commanding. Company D, Capt. D. A. Mai, commanding. Medical Det., Major E. Sharp. Assisted by a gun detachment of the 7th Battalion, New Jersey Naval Militia, Ensign Savage commanding. Will lower the United States flag for the day with the ceremony of Battalion Parade. Following, Company A will present the ceremony of Guard Mounting under direction of Lieut. E. C. Becker. MONDAY, OCTOBER 6TH Educational Day—Parade of school children. Marchers—Public, Parochial, Private, Business Institutes, Colleges, showing gradual progress of education from kindergarten to completion, from primitive times to present. Exercises in all public schools under the supervision of Dr. Daniel S. Dealey, Superintendent of Schools. Events leading to establishment of the city will be dramatized in each school. The periods to be dramatized are: A—Discovery. B—Early Dutch settlers. C—Colonial days under the English. D—Stevens and early nineteenth century. E—Hoboken as a city. F—Twentieth century. Evening—Tercentenary banquet, sponsored by the Chamber of Commerce. Speakers: Hon. Hamilton F. Kean, U. S. Senator; Governor Larson; Congressman Auf der Heide and former Governor Moore, James F. Minturn, Max Z. Hurwitz. 8.00 P.M.—Boy Scout Demonstration, Hudson Square Park. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7TH Veterans and Industrial Day 2.00 P.M.—Inspection of industrial plants. 4.00 P.M.—Flying demonstration, conducted by Clarence Chamberlain, famous transatlantic flyer. 7.30 P.M.—Grand pageant of floats depicting the industries and business of the city and historical incidents, with uniformed marchers and bands, directed by Louis Schelling. Veterans organizations decoration of colors in front of the City Hall by Mayor McFeely. ==== [page 5] PROGRAM. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Stevens and Hospitality Day—Stevens Institute of Technology will hold open house, all laboratories will be working, between 2 and 6 p. m. 3.00 P.M.—Reception and tea at Stevens Waldheim Forum by Hospitality Committee, former residents and out of town guests specially invited. In charge of Mrs. J. H. Donnelly. 4.00 P.M.—Special demonstration in physics at Stevens Physics Laboratories. 5.00 P.M.—Special demonstration in chemistry at Stevens Chemical Laboratories. 8.00 P.M.—Band concert on Stevens Campus by Shannon's 22nd Infantry Band. Reception at Stevens Castle by Hospitality Committee. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9TH Businessmen's Day—Events by merchants of city; special merchandise offerings; window dressing contest; automobile presentation. 8.00 P.M.—Musical program at A. J. Demarest High School under auspices of the United Service Clubs. Hoboken Woman's Glee Club under Mrs. Johanna Lehman O'Connor and noted artists on program including Madam Mina Hagar, Operatic Soprano. Amplifiers on outside of building to carry proceedings to those unable to be accommodated in auditorium. Directed by Rob. T. Greear and J. Harry O'Brien. Special performances by school pupils in David E. Rue and Joseph P. Brandt Junior High Schools and Public School No. 3. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10TH Transportation and Safety Day—Ferryboat excursions on Hudson River on ferryboats loaned by Lackawanna Railroad. Daily trips will be made to points of interest on the waterfront, from October 4th to 11th. Crew will be in old Dutch costumes. Superintended by Captain John M. Emery and E- Henry Dendel. Liners at piers to be made available for inspection by the public during the week. 8.00 P.M.—Old Timer's Night; Elks Club, in charge of Harry L. Barck. Special services at Jewish places of worship. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 11TH Historic Day 3.00 P.M.—Under direction of James P. Laverty grand pageant to be staged on Stevens Campus, in which 500 school children will take part. The moving pageant to be staged with elaborate scenery will depict outstanding incidents in the history of Hoboken from 1609, when Henry Hudson anchored in the Half Moon off Hoboken and parleyed with the Indians of their council fire on Castle Point; purchase of the and from the Indians by agents of Michael Pauw, 300 years ago; confiscation of Hoboken from Bayard the Royalist by the State of New Jersey after the Revolutionary War and its sale to John Stevens in 1784; development of the city by Stevens family, depicting Elysian Fields and other features embodying the industrial and mercantile and civic growth of the community. Incidental music will be by massed bands. Following the pageant, Company D, 104th Engineers, Capt. D.A.Mai commanding assisted by Detachment C9. A, 104th Engineers, Lieut. E. C. Becker; Machine Gun platoon, 113th Infantry, Capt. P. Ehrhardt; Chemical Warfare Service, Governors Island, N. Y., will stage a Sham Battle. This demonstration in combat is typical of an American attack during the World War. The equipment, manuevers, and realistic features present, represent America's participation in the A. E. F. This spectacle is introduced into the pageant to round out that part of the history of Hoboken depicting it as the port of embarkation of over one million American soldiers during the stirring days of 1918. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 12TH, (Columbus Day) 5.00 P.M.—Unveiling of a memorial tablet at the Y. M. C. A. building Thirteenth and Washington Streets, Hoboken, to the memory of the late Richard Stevens, dedicating the Richard Stevens Memorial Swimming Pool; unveiling a bronze tablet dedicating the social rooms on the second floor of the "Y" to the memory of Mary Picton Stevens Lewis. The entire facilities of the "Y" will be open to the public during the entire period of the Ter-Centenary Celebration. 6.00 P.M.—Demonstration, band concert and fireworks in front of the A. J. Demarest High School at Church Square Park by United Italian Societies, in charge of Anthony Capelli. ==== [page 6] Civic and Military Parade SATURDAY, OCTOBER 4th Motorcycle Police Mounted Police Chairman Mayor Marshal City Commissioners 1st Division Military Division Northwest Mounted Band U. S. Army, Marine Corps and Navy National Guard 2nd Battalion 104th Engineers U. S. Naval Reserve 29th Fleet Div. N. J. Naval Militia 7th Battalion 2nd Division Police Band Firemen 3rd Division Former Mayors Officials and Others 4th Division Veterans E. G. Brown Post G. A. R. (in cars) Maj. Chris Woener Camp S. O. V. V. F. W. Band Corp. Chris. A. Mohr Jr. Post No. 158 Michael J. O'Hara Chap. D. A. V. Hoboken Post No. 107 American Legion Band Visiting Hudson County Posts Hoboken Post No. 107 American Legion American Legion Hoboken Exempt Firemen's Association (with apparatus) 5th Division Postal Employees ==== [page 7] Civic and Military Parade-Continued 6th Division Junior Divisions Girl Scouts Seniors Boy Scouts Seniors O. L. G. Cadets Seniors St. Anns Cadets Seniors St. Francis Cadets Seniors St. Joseph Cadets Seniors St. Peters and St. Pauls Cadets Seniors Hoboken Academy 7th Division Fraternal Masonic Lodges Fraternal Order of Eagles and Gasper Segers Association Fraternal Order of Red Men Hoboken Lodge of Elks Junior Order American Mechanics Ancient Order of Hibernians Knights of Columbus Loyal Order of Moose Foresters of America Odd Fellows Knights of Pythias Royal Arcanium 8th Division Municipal and Civic Industrial 9th Division Steamship Railroad Telephone and Telegraph Coal Company and other industries 10th Division Women's Organizations Route of Parade — Thirteenth and Washington, south on Washington to Newark Street, west on Newark Street to Bloomfield, north on Bloomfield to First Street and west on First Street to Monroe Street. DR. HENRY V. BROESER, Grand Marshal [sic Marshall] ==== [page 8] COMMITTEE OFFICERS MAYOR B. N. McFEELY...............................Honorary Chairman MAX Z. HURWITZ..............................................Chairman MRS, H. OTTO WITTPENN................................Vice-Chairman J. P. LAVERTY.............................................Vice-Chairman MARTIN COOKE...........................................Vice-Chairman FRANK CORDTS...............................................Treasurer A. C. MALONE..................................................Secretary STUART COMPTON....................................Chairman Publicity --- MEN'S DIVISION John Applegate Rev. Frank C. Armstrong Bernard C. Ace Ivins D. Applegate Moe Aronsberg Rev. H. C. Anderson A. J. Alberts Edwin I. Ashton George Alberque Dr. Hugo Alexander Dr. David R. Atwell P. J. Allen Rev. Edward J. Bagley Prank Bucino George Britney Mr. Beasty M. Barkin T. Bauer O. Bennes Dr. H. Y. Broeser Charles Bach Gustave Bach Walter Baker William Bellis Ilarlan Besson Judge J. W. Rufus Besson Samuel Besson Charles Bonin Earl Bosworth William Bradley Edwin A. S. Brown C. Alfred Bur horn Wm. J. Bluem Rev. H. T Beatty Rev. F. E. Bogner Rev. H. Brueckner Patrick Barry Flores G. Beenarts James H. Baker Herbert E. Benjamin James Bragg Fred. A. Broad Harold Brockelbank Arthur Blumenshine Henry J. Braue Edward Bullwinkle Wm. P. Burhorn H. A. Baum Mr. Browi Chris Bobbe Theo. G. Brandt Charles Beuchel Eno Campbell James Creese Arthur W. Clayton A. W. Coffin Clarence Coane Louis A. Cohen David Chinich Stuart Compton Henry B. Cordts Anthony Capelli George C aides James Cardinale Rt. Rev. Monsignor E. P. Carroll Charles Cuddihy Joseph Curio J. Chambers Hezekiah W. Carrol, Jr. Wm. J. Crawford Dr. Herman N. Cohen Norman T. Cable Henry Clausen Wm. J. Duffy E. H. Den del Dr. Harvey N. Davis John H. Donnelly Nat J. Dix Morris Druz Neal Donovan James Dowsey Rev. C. A. Davick Robert J. Duffy George Eicke Wm. A. D. Evans J. D. Elmendorf J. Eichler Capt. J. M. Emery August Eggert George Eichler Rev. .T. K. Easely Henry Ernst Arthur Fagan Charles Fall AVilliam Ferber John Ferguson Edward Florio Andrew Fletcher Henry Frielinhaus C. Fugazzi William Finke Hon. .T. J. Fallon S. Feldman John Flattery H. W. Fletcher Wm. J. Findlay Arthur E. Finster Manuel Fisher Charles Fall, Jr. J. J. Fallon, Jr. Dr. Walter Farr Justin B. Fash Samuel Feinstein Hon. Wm. Gilfert John F. Gardner John Grouls Herman Goelz R. T. Greear Charles Grantling Herman Geismar Sol Gottlieb Vincent B. Grulich J. J. Garibaldi George Gonzales Wm. Gottlieb August Graf Dr. Humbert Granelli Thomas Goode Rev. Michael Gori Dr. Walter Gonzales John J. Grossman Bela Grulich Dr. G. Ginsburg Dr. Timothy A. Gerne Gern Hotaling Dougal Herr Wm. Hanley John Hopkins Frederick Hopkins Fred Hauser Wm. J. Hanley E. A. Harriss Eugene Hausold Fred Heffner Charles Hoffman Wm. Howell James J. Haw Wm. Habedank B. F. Hart Rev. Father Henning John H. Harris Rev. Edw. P. Hooper Rev. C. Hirschensohn Hally Hatcher Julius Horre Frank R. Hellinghausen Percy Hodge Samuel F. Hartzell George E. Herrold James W. Hopper Fred Janssen, Sr. C. H. C. .Tagels Millard Jackson Wm. Jackson Henry J. Jagels Wm. Jamin Fred Janssen, Jr. Max Jacobs W. J. Jobes Dr. Daniel S. Kealey Harry S. Keefe W. L. E. Keuffel L. Kramer A. L. Kohnfelder J. I. Kislak Chas. Kugler Dr. George Klie W. G. Keuffel Walter Kramer Wm. Kavanaugh Walter A. Kiesselbach J. William Klie Irving Keller Harry Keersmacker Arthur P. Kelm Bert Leighton James G. Larkin Sol. Lubash David Lowenthal Dr. J. Londrigan Julius Lichtenstein John F. Lewis Herman Lange George Lankering Adolph Lankering Joseph La Paglia Dr. L. L. Lewis Fred Luis Major Le Beau John Latman Dr. Jagues Landau Frank E. Lawrence John F. Lent James Loftus Fred Lange James F. Minturn Caesar Muzzi Roy Mailey Chas. Milbauer Dr. Jos. Matera ==== [inside back cover] COMMITTEE MEN'S DIVISION (Continued) Dr. Wm. J. Matthews August Meyer Fred Meystre Frank Monaco Hans Muller Henry Muzzi Owen Mulvaney Lotus Meyer Miles R. Moffatt Harry N. Moorehouse John B. Marino John B. Martin Joseph Melillo T. O. Mancey Lt. Com. Alexander Murray Charles Molz John Mameren Rev. Chas. T. McDaniels John J. McGovero J. F. McGowan C. H. McQueen W. W. McQueen J. McGarvey Frank G. McGinty James Neri Dr. R. B. Nattrass Fred Neuschaeffer Dr. G. L. Nichols Richard Neuschaler Edward O'Toole J. Harry O'Brien John J. O'Hara Clarence Owens Geo. L. Openshaw Edward Orenge Dr. M. D. Olinger Wm. J. O'Connor Charles Poggi W. E. Poet Dr. Richard T. Paganelli O.J. Pellett Dr. Chas. Peluso Dr. F. J. Pflugh I.B. Palmer Anthony J. Profita George Pierson Dr. C. A. Peterson George W. Piper Frank Pichette Harry Pickenbach A. Roggeveen Wm. W. Read James Rongo John Rafter Edward Rathjen Michael Reilly Henry Rugge Joseph M. Ryan Philip Reid James M. Ryan Charles Russell Frederick Y. Rollenhagen Timothy Ryan Louis M. Raphael George G. Raymond Rev. Malcolm A. Shipley Rev. Leon Spitz Harold Sugarman Louis Schelling Arthur Scheffler Walter Schalscha C. Stern Martin Shelly Dr. Geo. Sullivan Sidney Stevenson Paul Schlorff Gustave Seide Wm. H. Schmidt John Schumann Dr. Geo. B. Spath Dominick Spinetto Dr. Joseph Stack Edward R. Stanton Henry Steneck Edward Stover Charles Schmidt Fred Strohmeier Rev. Dr. L. N. Schoen Jacob Strauss Yalere Savage Jacob Schrenk Dr. Wilbur Spiro Joseph Sullivan Lucian J. Taistra Raymond Tiffany Oscar Throckmorton Joseph Toohey A. J. Volk, Sr. A.C. Vezzetti Bernard Vezzetti Charles Vezzetti J. H. Vermeer Kev. B. Von Scheenk Frederick E. Vogel Herbert Varley B. Vitarius A. J. Volk, Jr. Carl Voss Anthony Visalli Henry C. Verbyst J. Von Mainer Bichard Vessley Henry Wessling Harry Wilson H. Otto Wittpenn Andrew Wallace Henry Weidner Marris Weisman James Whalen Edward White Fred Williams Rev. Q. Wettstein Rev. Raymond Werge W. A. Williams Oscar Weiss Theodore Weissing Wm. Wirt Henry Wessling Wm. Wise H. Wagner Hobart F. Walker Capt. Fred Wendelken Fred Williams T. Wilson Rev. R. A. Wolff Frank W. Weeks Edward Wendelken Henry Wacker Dr. W. Yeaton Sydney Zorn L. Zimmerman Dr. A. M. Zitani WOMEN'S DIVISION Mrs. H. Otto Wittpenn, Chairman Miss S. F. Leinkauf, Secretary Mrs. E. L. Ashton Miss I. Alexander Mrs. Geo. A. Allen Mrs. E. Acker Mrs. F. Anderson Mrs. L. Aeschiman Mrs. J. Adams Mrs. Abbott Mrs. Diana Bier Mrs. J. W. Rufus Besson Mrs. Richard A. Beyer Mrs. H. V. Broeser Mrs. C. A. Burhorn Mrs. C. Barone Mrs. B. Bloomberg Mrs. L. C. Belloff Mrs. Renee Byrnes Mrs. J. Brunning Mrs. G. Bonstelle Miss Elizabeth Barille Mrs. P. C. Brown Miss Margaretha Bock Mrs. C. Bushong Mrs. H. T. Beatty Mrs. K. Byrnes Mrs. A. Berk Mrs. Charles Campbell Mrs. Anna Carroll Mrs. S. W. Crawford Mrs. S. J. Crawford Miss Catherine Conners Mrs. J. G. Coleman Mrs. L. S. Cohen Miss M. Crozettl Mrs. F. Crisp Mrs. Chas. E. Cole Miss Coyle Miss Alice Connors Mrs. Palmer Campbell Miss Edna Cox Miss L. Cummings Miss Olive Cooke Mrs. E. Crane Mrs. John Compbell Miss Hose Curci Mrs. John Donnelly Mrs. Harvey N. Davis Mrs. L. E. Decker Mrs. Frank Doran Mrs. Wm. J. Duffy Mrs. John J. Durkin Mrs. J. Dolan Mrs. P. Dee Mrs. Sarah Dubln Mrs. H. Dillon Mrs. Irene H. Dooley Miss Minna Dellevie Mrs. G. Eichler Miss A. Eschenberg Mrs. L. Eickes Mrs. Elbers Mrs. A. Farr Mrs. S. Filiatrault Mrs. John J. Fallon Mrs. F. Furman Mrs. S. Fisher Mrs. A. Friedman Mrs. Irene Fitzgerald Mrs. A. Felgentreu Miss Fitzsimon Mrs. J. Ferguson Mrs. Geo. Fincken Mrs. A. Fine Miss Olga Gosch Mrs. R. T. Greear Mrs. May Galione Mrs. Herman Geismar Mrs. J. Gillespie Mrs. S. Gottlieb Miss Barbara Gerrity Miss Anna Green Miss Addie Green Mrs. Thomas Goode Mrs. J. Gardner Mrs. Agnes Goode Mrs. C. Gansley Mrs. O. Grantling Miss Gutte Miss Mattie W. Glbbs Mrs. Nina Hatfield Miss Enid Hawkins Miss I. Hausman Mrs. August Hanniball Miss L. Borwood Mrs. B. F. Hart Mrs. F. Hartzel Mrs. W. Hobbs Mrs. G. C. Horwood Mrs. Edwin Hirch Miss Ruth Hansen Mrs. Otto Hauser Miss Mary Hildeman Mrs. Louis Immen ==== [back cover]. COMMITTEE WOMEN'S DIVISION (Cont'd) Mrs. Johnson Mrs. M. Johnson Miss L. Jeanneret Mrs. Arthur Kennedy Mrs. W. G. Keuffel Mrs. A. Kloeblen Miss Mary Kiernan Miss Rose Kelly Miss Sadie Kelly Mrs. A. Kerr Mrs. L. Kenna Mrs. Helen Kelly Miss Helen Kudlich Mrs. P. Kilduff Mrs. E. McKenna Miss Kennedy Mrs. Rose Kruse Mrs. L. L. Lewis Miss S. F. Leinkauf Mrs. S. H. Lieberman Mrs. Louis Lehman Mrs. A. Lipman Mrs. J. Lundy Mrs. A. Lecari Miss P. Liguari Mrs. S. Lehman Mrs. C. Lippert Mrs. James E. Liddy Miss Anna M. Liddy Mrs. A. Lipman Mrs. S. Lowenberg Miss Lillie Leonhard Mrs. Frank P. Markey Mrs. L. Mullins Mrs. H. Mager Mrs. E. L. Mays Mrs. R. Mount Mrs. Margaret Murnane Miss Victoria Muzzi Miss Peggy Maguire Miss Charlotte Machold Mrs. N. J. Mountford Mrs. Meyer Mrs. Wm. Miller Miss A. O. McHale Mrs. F. McFarthy Miss M. L. McDonnell Mrs. H. McKenzIe Mrs. J. McMullen Mrs. Margaret McArdle Mrs. P. C. O'Connor Mrs. Wm. O'Connor Mrs. W. Parsons Miss G. Pope Mrs. C. Pederson Miss Hazel Pindar Mrs. Irma Pederson Mrs. Herman Prehn Miss Catherine Quilter Mrs. A. F. Reading Mrs. James H. Rosecrans Mrs. Beatrice Reilly Mrs. M. Ress Mrs. M. Ress Miss Rothouse Mrs. J. H. P. Reilly Mrs. Oren D. Relyea Miss Christina A. Rathjen Mrs. R. Ryan Miss Helen Mae Mrs. M. Schweitzer Mrs. Klaire Shoup Mrs. H. Solomon Miss Katherine Selck Mrs. John Stasse Mrs. George Sullivan Mrs. P. Solomon Miss Emilie Schweitzer Mrs. Geo. Schreiber Mrs. Paul Schlorff Miss Nellie Stephens Miss W. Sandman Mrs. S. E. Schweitzer Mrs. Frances Sheehan Mrs. J. Sexton Mrs. Searles Mrs. E. Schneider Mrs. N. Schill Mrs. J. Tobin Miss Elizabeth Toohey Miss Lucy Taglang Mrs. R. Una Mrs. Vietheer Miss M. Von Deesten Miss Anna M. Van Twisk Mrs. Chester Vincentz Mrs. F. Vergist Miss E. Wehr Mrs. D. Wuhrman Mrs. J. Washburn Mrs. A. Wenzlan Mrs. A. Welbrock Mrs. E. Wintermute Mrs. H. Weiss Mrs. Young BOARD OF CITY COMMISSIONERS BERNARD N. McFEELY, Mayor ADOLPH C. CARSTEN WILLIAM H. GILFERT JOSEPH A. CLARK MICHAEL F. KEARINS Jersey Observer Job Print ==== ==== Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2008-03-13