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Archive, unsorted, of circa 875 photographs from defunct newspaper, Hudson Dispatch, related to Hoboken from the late 1940s to 1970s.
Archive, unsorted, of circa 875 photographs from defunct newspaper, Hudson Dispatch, related to Hoboken from the late 1940s to 1970s. Includes some documents unattached to photographs. Format and type of prints varies widely. Some have photographer or studio credits, but most do not.
John or Jean Eckhardt was an editor at this newspaper and many bear his notes on the reverse. It is presumed that this was his photo file.
As received, the material was loose photos in an old carton probably as maintained originally and not in files or apparent order. It is considered that the photos have been looked at over the years. Their arrangement has been shuffled with some loss of attachments (assignment sheets) evident by where paper clips remain, but these sheets and other documents are missing or unattached in the container, awaiting possible matching to the image.
Some prints have the usual mark-up for printing, but others do not and it is unknown which ones were published.
Gabrielan, Randall
Gift of Randall Gabrielan
1945 - 1975
Date: 1945-1970
Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2011-04-18