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Article (Elysian Fields): Base Ball. Excelsior vs. Empire.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1860 - 1860
Date(s) Created: 1860 Date(s): 1860-1860
Notes: Text of article 2011.005.0102 N.Y. Herald, Sept. 2, 1860, page 5, column 2 Base Ball. EXCELSIOR VS. EMPIRE. This interesting match, which came off yesterday on the ground of the Empire Club, Elysian Fields, attracted a large concourse of spectators, among whom we noticed many ladies, who, by their cheerful presence, seemed to impart renewed vigor to those immediately participating in the game. This game was rendered more interesting from the fact of it being the first played by the Excelsior since their drawn game for the championship with the Atlantic, and because they were expected to play in their full strength to show the Atlantics and friends what they might do if the champion game is renewed In the game of yesterday, with few exceptions, no par- ticularly fine placing was observable. The Excelsior play- ers who deserve to be mentioned are the catcher Legget, the pitcher Creighton, and the three men stationed on the bases; the fielders, from the short bailing of the Empires, having but little chance to show their tine points. Of the Empires we remarked Benson, catcher; Miller, first base, and Moore fielder. Throughout the game the best feeling on both sides was evinced, all the players cordially join- ing in the applause consequent upon any fine playing on either side. The following is the score: Excelsior. Outs. Runs. Empire. Outs. Runs. Persail, 1st base 4 2 Benson, C 4 0 Young, C. F 2 4 Thorn, P 2 1 Flanly, L. F 3 3 Miller, 1 B 4 0 Brainerd, 2 B 4 2 Moore, R.F. 4 0 Reynolds, S.S. 4 1 Ward, 2 B 3 1 Leggett, C. 1 4 Dewey, S. S. 2 2 Polhemus, R. F. 2 4 Russel, C. F. 3 1 Crelghton, P. 3 2 Culyer, L. F. 2 2 Whiting, 3B 4 1 Leavy 3 B 3 0 Total 23 Total 7 RUNS EACH INNING. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Excelsior 1 3 5 2 0 3 4 0 5 23 Empire 0 3 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 7 Scorer for Excelsior, C. W. Gaunt Scorer for Empire, C. Whiting Umpire, S. W. Patchen, of Charter Oak. After the game the players and their friends adjourned to the hotel, and satisfied their "base ball appetites" with clam chowder prepared by the Empire. Speeches, songs and toasts next followed, and all appeared to show what little effort is required to foster a feeling of kindness among the members of clubs, whether the victors or the vanquished. Among the toasts might be mentioned one which seemed exactly pertinent to the occasion, "American Base Ball — may its supporters never lose a hand by a foul or a base action, and mays prosperity never come to a short stop" [end] Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2011-05-17