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Trade card, 2: Heckers' Perfect Baking Powder with 1881 testimonial by Prof. Henry Morton, Pres., Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken.Issued by the G.V. Hecker Co., n.d., ca. 1882-1890.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a Friend of the Museum.
1882 - 1890
Date(s) Created: 1882 - 1890 ca. Date(s): 1882-1890
Notes: Archives 2013.005.0080 ==== Text back of card 1: PROFESSOR HENRY MORTON, President of Stevens' Institute of Technology, on SELF-RAISING FLOUR. Hoboken, N. J., November 30, 1881. Messrs. George V. Hecker & Co.: Gentlemen : I have had occasion to make analyses of your Self-Raising Flour and Buckwheat and Griddle Cake Flour on a number of occasions, not only for you, but for others who wished to know what were the materials contained in these articles, and have for many years used them in my own family, and can testify most emphatically that they are agreeable, nutritious and perfectly wholesome. The ingredients employed in their preparation are not only entirely harmless as so used, but have been recommended by the highest authorities in medical and physiological science, as the most wholesome and in all respects desirable preparations now known for the purpose of raising bread, cakes, etc. Yours, &c., HENRY MORTON. [end text on back of card 1] ==== Text back of card 2: A FAIR TEST. The contract for supplying the United States Government with 80,000 pounds of Baking Powder has been awarded to George V. Hecker & Co., their Perfect Baking Powder having been tested by Dr. Edward G. Love, analytical chemist for the Government, and recommended by him for its excellence, and because it contained a higher percentage of gas (which means that it will make lighter bread and biscuit) than either the "Royal" or any of the other cream tartar baking powders which he examined. It will thus be seen that when Heckers' Perfect Baking Powder is submitted to an impartial test, its superiority is acknowledged, and the popular verdict so emphatically expressed in its favor is fully sustained. What The Royal Company Said In 1879, when they DID get the contract: " This year (1879) the United States Government supplies to the Indians not less than 56,000 pounds of Royal Baking Powder, which is another positive proof of the superiority of this powder, as its selection depended on the tests of competent chemists, and the Royal Baking Powder was recommended after a careful analysis. In 1881, when they did NOT get the contract: " The Indian Department some time ago advertised for proposals for supplying Baking Powder, but expressly gave notice that medium goods and prices only are required. " Under these conditions the Royal Baking Powder was not offered; being strictly fine goods of the highest possible grade and beyond what was required for the Indians, no sample was sent; instead, however, we submitted a special brand of medium goods of such as we have heretofore for several years furnished the indian Department. To these contradictory statements we would add that what the Royal Company offer the public as "strictly fine goods" is proved, by numerous tests made by Professor Henry Morton, president of Stevens Institute, to be of even less strength than the sample f urnished by them this year to the Government. With this presentation of facts, we leave it to our customers and the public to decide whether it was the Royal Baking Powder or a special brand which was in competition when the award was given to Heckers' Perfect Baking Powder, because of its excellence and strength. GEORGE V. HECKER & CO., 203 Cherry St., New York. [end text on back of card 2] ==== ==== Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2013-04-15