Camp Tamaqua

Bob Calabro published his book “Tamaqua: Remembering Hoboken Y’s Camp Tamaqua 1955-1965” in 2016. In 2017, the Hoboken Historical Museum hosted the first Camp Tamaqua Reunion. With Bob’s help, the Museum is building a Camp Tamaqua archive at the Museum πηγή του άρθρου. The first step is to present Bob’s book here, and let everyone know that I’ve set up an email address, which you can use to send Tamaqua-specific queries and comments. Once we get moving, there will be more added to our Collections database, and I’ll make updates here, too.

I’ve set up some Albums with the photos that Bob and Alice Galmann have shared. Click the links below! If you have a Google account, you’ll be able to add comments the photos.

ActivitiesFacilities – Staff

Here are some PDFs with Tamaqua song lyrics, enjoy!

Camp Tamaqua Songs #1Camp Tamaqua Songs #2Camp Tamaqua Songs #3

Thanks to Bob Calabro and Alice Galmann, we are able to present home movies take at Camp Tamaqua in the 1960s. Click here to access a playlist on our YouTube channel.

– Rand Hoppe
Collections Manager, Hoboken Historical Museum


Tamaqua – Remembering Hoboken Y’s Camp Tamaqua: 1955-1965Tamaqua – Remembering Hoboken Y’s Camp Tamaqua: 1955-1965