Contact: Bob Foster, 201-656-2240,
“Hoboken Walkabout” by Maggie Hinders
The Hoboken Historical Museum is pleased to host “Hoboken Walkabout” by Maggie Hinders. Maggie’s Artist Talk will take place on Friday, November 10, 2023 at 7pm. Her opening reception will take place on Sunday, November 12, 2023 from 2pm-5pm at HHM.
Maggie Hinders grew up in Celina, Ohio, which is known as a farm town. As a child, she spent a lot of time outdoors and with her large family. At the age of 7, she visited an art museum in Dayton with her mother. This visit and exposure to art left an indelible mark on young Maggie. She knew she had found her calling. Maggie carried around the museum catalog with her and considered it one of her most prized possessions. With her mother’s encouragement, Maggie decided to study art in college in Cincinnati.
In the 1980’s, Maggie migrated to the East Coast at a time of an artistic renaissance. She settled first in the East Village, but made her way over to Hoboken in 1984. Here she found an amazing community of artists and creatives. She has been in Hoboken ever since and made her life here. She works as a senior designer for a book publishing company and is about to retire.
“Hoboken Walkabout” is Maggie’s first show at the Hoboken Historical Museum. For this collection, she began to do plein air painting (painting in the outdoors) in 2020. This was during the time of the pandemic, and being outdoors was a way to connect with beauty and continuity in a world that was crumbling. Since then she has found delight in being able to capture details of the city of Hoboken–small moments of beauty that gladden and inspire her and that she wants to share with others in her paintings.
Also part of the exhibition is a series of paintings from the Hoboken Train Terminal. Maggie went to great lengths to paint her environment, even when the weather turned cold. She persisted by moving to the terminal. She recalls painting in the balcony area of the waiting room. A young security guard told her how talented she is, but that she would need permission to continue painting there. Maggie’s meditative and realistic scenes had found a new enthusiast.
As part of her artistic philosophy, Maggie firmly believes, “there is always something to see, something to relate to, no matter the environment.” It is our honor to have Maggie share her perspectives on Hoboken as part of this show.
A special thank you to the Hudson County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs/Tourism Development for their support of this exhibit.