Full List of Sources

Full List of Sources

“The Stevens Family” is a digital exhibit created by Darian Worden for the Hoboken Historical Museum, January 2014.


Hans, Jim. 100 Hoboken Firsts. Hoboken Historical Museum, 2005.

Iles, George. Leading American Inventors. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1912.

Lane, Wheaton J. From Indian Trail to Iron Horse: Travel and Transportation in New Jersey, 1620-1860. Princeton, 1939.

Turnbull, Archibald Douglas. John Stevens: An American Record. New York: The Century Co., 1928.

Ziegler-McPherson, Christina A. Immigrants in Hoboken: One-Way Ticket, 1845-1985. Charleston, SC: The History Press, 2011. 28-32.

Articles and Pamphlets

Campus Guide, Stevens Institute of Technology. http://www.stevens.edu/sit/sites/default/files/Stevens-3D-map.pdf

Famous Hobokenites: Millicent Fenwick, Hoboken History, No. 24, 1999, 5. HHM Collections Database

History, Stevens Institute of Technology. http://www.stevens.edu/sit/about/history.cfm

Mack, Pamela. “Engineering Education in the 19th Century.” September 2, 2005. http://www.clemson.edu/caah/history/FacultyPages/PamMack/lec122/eng19.htm

Lambert, Bruce. “Millicent Fenwick, 82, Dies; Gave Character to Congress,” The New York Times. Article Collections: Helsinki Accords. September 17, 1992

“Points of Interest,” Hoboken Historical Museum. https://www.hobokenmuseum.org/self-guided-walking-tours/points-of-interest

Documents, Digital

Stevens, John. “Documents Tending to prove the Superior Advantages of Rail-ways and Steam Carriages Over Canal Navigation.” Stanford & Swords, 1852. Introduction by Chas. King.

Documents, Archived

Stevens Family Collection

Samuel C. Williams Library, Stevens Institute of Technology

Thanks to Leah Loscutoff, Archivist and Special Collections Librarian.

Box 6: Hoboken Land and Improvement Co.

   “An Act to Incorporate the Hoboken Land and Improvement Co., Supplements and other Acts.” Hoboken: Hudson County Democrat Print, 1859.

Box 7: Historic Primary Documents

   Folder 6, Letter, Robert L. Stevens to US Navy, March 1824.

Box 13: Printed Materials, Stevens Battery.

   Folder 1, Description of the Stevens Battery.

   Folder 2, Article, Michael Orth, “The Stevens Battery.” The Stevens Indicator, Alumni Association of Stevens Institute of Technology. Vol 84, No 3, Summer 1967, Pgs 4-9. Reprinted from Proceedings, US Naval Institute.

Box 15: Pamphlets

   Folder 1, “John Stevens and His Sons: Early American Engineers.” Watkins, J. Elfreth, Read Before the Philosophical Society of Washington, Washington: Press of W.F. Roberts, 1892.

   Folder 6, Mary Stevens Baird Recollections, Compiled by Grace Bayard Stevens Sutton. New York, 1988. Stevens Family Genealogy Chart, Pgs I-IVb.

Box 20: Stevens Locomotives & Railroads

   Folder 1, Correspondence with librarians, Pennsylvania Railroad History.

   Folder 3, Newspaper Clippings:

      “Steam Carriage,” New-York Evening Post for the Country. May 23, 1826. Reprint, Hoboken Bicentennial Committee and Stevens Institute of Technology, May 13, 1976.

      “Steam Carriage,” New York Commercial Advertiser, May 15, 1826. Copy of Article in Library of New York Historical Society.

Box 21: Mary Stevens Baird Interviews & Transcripts

   Folder 3 and Folder 4, Interview Transcript, Millicent H. Fenwick, Mary Stevens Baird, and Mr. and Mrs. Archibald Stevens Alexander, Stevens Institute of Technology, December 12, 1974.

Box 30: Stevens Family & Hoboken

   Folder 1, Copies of newspaper clippings:

   “Mrs. Wittpenn Dies in Sleep.” Jersey Observer, December 5, 1932

   “Mrs. Wittpenn’s Death Had Its Historical Importance” Hudson Dispatch, December 8, 1932

   “Mrs. Wittpenn Death Deplored at White House” Hudson Dispatch, December 6, 1932

Folder 5, The New York World’s Fair Bulletin: Issued in the Interest of “Transportation” as the Theme for a New Jersey State Exhibit, Hoboken Chamber of Commerce, 1939.


Archive.org, Archibald Douglass Turnbull, John Stevens: An American Record. Water Pipe Image. https://archive.org/stream/johnstevensameri00turn#page/n183/mode/2up

Hoboken Historical Museum, Online Collections. https://www.hobokenmuseum.org/research/collections

Stevens Digital Collections, Samuel C. Williams Library. http://librarycollections.stevens.edu/

Stevens Family Archives, Samuel C. Williams Library, Box 34 and Box 35, Unordered Photographs of Stevens Castle, Book: Castle Point, April 1899.