Contact: Bob Foster, 201-656-2240,

“Counter Parts: Schnackenberg’s (1989 documentary by Nicole Lucas)


Schnackenberg’s Luncheonette, 1110 Washington St., Hoboken, N.J., is the subject of this 1989 documentary film by Nicole Lucas (copyright 1989 Artemis Films, Inc.; video courtesy of Nicole Lucas Haines.) Established in 1931, Schnackenberg’s is a local landmark. Featured is Dorothy Van Dyken, daughter of the owners, and Helen Firehock, a longtime waitress. Hoboken Mayor Tom Vezzetti (died March 2, 1988) appears with his trademark bullhom. The restaurant is a local landmark and notable in that it makes chocolate candy on the site.Scenes of exterior and interior, customers, children, and the candymaking itself using vintage chocolate mold.