Ad, Cocomalt: A Child...and yet a Woman. By Davis Baking Powder Co. [R.B. Davis], Hoboken; in LHJ, May 1928.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1928 - 1928
Date(s) Created: 1928 Date(s): 1928
Notes: LADIES' HOME JOURNAL May, 1928 A Child... and yet a Woman ONLY a few months it seems since you held her in your arms ... a tiny, helpless baby. But how the years go by! Before you know it, she will be a woman . . . alert, unafraid, ready to find what life may hold for her. But . . . what will it hold? Will it be the happiness she so trustingly expects . . . the happiness you want her to have-or will it be disappointment and disillusionment? After all, the answer to this question is more in your hands than in hers. For all she hopes to have, all that life can bring her ... all depends on one vital thing so often lost sight of. . . HEALTH. Health can make her life or mar it. And it is within your power, it is your obligation, to see that it is hers. During her precious years of growth, and especially during adolescence, proper food is essential. Milk contains the necessary elements -it's an almost perfect food. But dieticians have found that even milk can now be bettered by adding creamy, nutritious Cocomalt. Cocomalt, the new chocolate flavor health food, contains in sound proportion the nourishing properties of cocoa, sugar, malt, eggs, milk protein and milk minerals. It adds 70% more nourishment to milk . . . gives it a luscious, creamy, chocolate taste that children love. They now drink milk without urging. Cocomalt adds the needed vitamins and iron for making rich, red blood. Adds calcium (lime) for building sturdy bones and teeth. Adds proteins, too, for strong and supple muscles. And carbohydrates, for the energy children and adults draw on so lavishly. Buy a can at your grocer's today. Serve Cocomalt for breakfast, lunch or supper, or after school. Or serve it at bedtime, to help induce sound sleep. Let all the family drink it, for Cocomalt [Cocomalt Adds 70% more nourishment to milk] is taken readily even by those to whom other good cocoa products are too constipating. Instantly prepared-made hot right in the cup, or shaken with cold milk in a shaker. No cooking needed. Start giving your family the benefit of Coco- malt's rich nourishment today-let them taste its creamy chocolate flavor-let them all begin at once building vital health. Good grocers everywhere sell Cocomalt. Ask your grocer for it. If he can't supply you, just send us the coupon and 25 cents (30 cents west of Mississippi). We'll send you postpaid, by return mail, the half pound can. MADE BY DAVIS BAKING POWDER CO. HOBOKEN, N. J. Davis Baking Powder Co., Hoboken, N. J. [LHJ-2] My grocer has no Cocomalt in stock. Enclosed is 25 cents (30 cents west of Mississippi). Please send, postpaid, half pound can of Cocomalt. Name Address Grocer's Name Address Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2010-11-09