Collections Item Detail
Ad, Davis Baking Powder: For 53 Years Always Dependable. By R.B. Davis Co., Hoboken; in Hygeia, Nov. 1932.
Lukacs, Claire
Museum Collections. Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1932 - 1932
Date(s) Created: 1932 Date(s): 1932
Notes: FOR 53 YEARS ALWAYS DEPENDABLE and now... two new important features FIRST baking powder to be packed in new full-strength, air-tight, easy-to-open can No air or moisture can penetrate to destroy the leavening strength of Davis Baking Powder. Its freshness is sealed in! In Davis you get all the leavening strength you pay for. It's always sure-raising — always dependable. Receives the Seal of Acceptance of the American Medical Association (Committee on Foods) This is your guarantee of Davis purity and whole-someness. The acceptance of Davis Baking Powder by the American Medical Association Committee on Foods means that the purity and wholesomeness of Davis Baking Powder are recognized by competent authority. This Seal on any product is your assurance of its purity and the truth of its advertising claims. Davis Baking Powder has been awarded this distinction. Listen to the Davis Mystery Chef every Tuesday and Thursday morning at 10:00 o'clock (Eastern Standard Time) over the Red Network of the National Broadcasting Co. Send for a free copy of the Mystery Chef's Little Book of Excellent Recipes and Cooking Tips. Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2011-07-20