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Ad, Cocomalt: It's the fact that Vitamin D is now contained in a delicious Natural Food... Ad by R.B. Davis Co, Hoboken; in Woman's Home Companion, April, 1929.
Museum Collections.
1929 - 1929
Date(s) Created: 1929 Date(s): 1929
Notes: Archives 2014.015.0013 Cocomalt advertisement, Woman's Home Companion, April, 1929. ==== It s the fact that Vitamin D is now contained in a delicious NATURAL FOOD . . . that’s important to mothers There are at least three known ways in which this essential Vitamin D maybe brought to your children. From the direct rays of the sun. From cod-liver oil. And now eminent scientific authorities have definitely proved that Vitamin D is contained in Cocomalt. But the real news is not merely the discovery of another source of Vitamin D . . . but that this precious sunlight vitamin, so essential to health and vigor, is now found—in the necessary quantities — in a delicious natural food that should be a part of every child’s diet. VITAMIN D—THE BONE BUILDER • For just consider what this fact, that Vitamin D is contained in Cocomalt, really means. No one knows exactly what Vitamin D is. We.only know that without it, the mineral salts in our diet, which go to form strong bones and sound teeth, are not utilized by the body. Milk, of course, is the most effective way of bringing these mineral salts to your children. And Cocomalt (note this) not only increases the milk minerals by more than a half, but it also furnishes the Vitamin D which puts the minerals to work in a way that builds bones, develops sound teeth, prevents rickets (soft bones, bowed legs) and assures the steady symmetrical growth of the whole body. In addition, Cocomalt is so rich in proteins and carbohydrates that it actually adds 70% more nourishment to milk and combines, in scientific proportions, all the nourishing elements ideally suited to children. A DELICIOUS DRINK — SERVED HOT OR COLD Cocomalt, combined with milk, makes a delicious drink with a delightful chocolate flavor that children love. You can serve it hot or cold — for breakfast, supper or after school lunch. It is particularly necessary when children cannot play in the sunshine and absorb this indispensable vitamin from the direct rays of the sun. Incidentally, thousands of mothers have discovered that Cocomalt is an easy way to make children take their daily required glasses of milk ... You may get Cocomalt from your grocer in various sized cans including the popular half-pound size at 25 cents (30 cents west of the Mississippi). If your grocer cannot supply you take advantage of the sample offer. R. B.DAVIS COMPANY, Hoboken.N.J. • Makers of Davis Baking Powder ---- A generous sample and booklet • Send 10 cents (to cover the cost of mailing) and we will forward you a generous sample can of Cocomalt—together with a fascinating book entitled "Children of the Sun." This booklet was prepared for the R. B. Davis Company by specialists in the field of medicine and nutrition, based on their own comprehensive research work on Cocomalt and Vitamin D, the sunlight vitamin. R.B.Davis Co., Hoboken,New Jersey Enclosed find 10 cents. Send me booklet A-3 and sample of Cocomalt mentioned above. Name— Street— County- City- State- ---- Cocomalt Adds 70% more nourishment to milk. ==== ==== Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2014-04-17