Collections Item Detail
Trade or advertising card: Dr. Miller's Family Medicine, Depot, 236 Garden St., Hoboken, N.J. N.d., ca. 1883.
Trade or advertising card: Dr. Miller's Family Medicine, Depot, 236 (old number) Garden St., Hoboken, N.J. No date, circa 1883.
Chromolithographed card, 2-13/16" high x 4-1/16" wide, imprinted with black type on front; back all in black type. Color artwork depicts a bird's nest with four eggs surrounded by flowers.
A patent medicine, "The Approved Remedy for Stomach and Throat Diseases." The label for the product was registered with the U.S. Commissioner of Patents on June 12, 1883 by an August Werdmüller [Werdmuller] of Hoboken. Apparently he adopted an anglicized name for naming the product that would sound authoritative and reassuring.
The 236 Garden Street number is an old one - modern number 530.
Back has additional imprinting of a location where it was for sale: Hall & Ruckel, 218-220 Greenwich St., New York Agents.
Price 50c[cents] a bottle, Extra Large Size, $1.00.
Lukacs, Claire
Gift of a friend of the Museum.
1883 - 1890
Date(s) Created: 1884-1890 Date(s): 1883-1890
Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2015-02-06