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Resolution extending sympathy to people of San Francisco by Mayor Steil & City Council, Apr. 25, 1906.
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Museum Collections.
1906 - 1906
Date(s) Created: 1906 Date(s): 1906
Notes: archives 2012.004.0046 ==== WHEREAS, The terrible calamity which has overtaken our sister city of San Francisco has awakened feelings of the most profound and heartfelt sympathy over our entire land and stirred the national heart with intense fraternal sorrow,therefore, RESOLVED, That the Mayor and Council of the City of Hoboken in behalf of the people of this city hereby manifests its intense sorrow at the calamity which has befallen our sister city of San Francisco and we extend to our suffering bretheren of that city our heartfelt sympathy and express the confident hope that out of its ashes San Francisco will arise Phoenix like to be once again the Queen City of the Pacific James B. Fitzpatrick Hermann R. Hoppe Thomas Wren John W. Ortlich James Clark Martin J. Whelan Chas. Schultze Charles Zang Status: OK Status By: dw Status Date: 2012-10-22